What do the changes to border restrictions mean to Adelaide real estate?

Given the easing of border restrictions, TOOP+TOOP have implemented some subtle yet important changes to best protect our clients and our team.

At property inspections, we’ll now be requesting buyers to limit their visits to less than 15 minutes, in line with the government’s definition of ‘casual’ and ‘close’ contacts.

Attendees will still need to use the COVID QR check-in code before entering a property and we will be requiring them to wear a face mask when inside the home, as well as maintaining social distancing of 1.5m. Those are policies we’ve had in place for some time.

Face masks will be available for those who require them and we will continue to have our custom hand-sanitising stations at all property inspections.

We also have the capacity to provide virtual inspections for buyers if required.

Auctions will be conducted outdoors, with attendees required to maintain social distancing.

If a client wants to visit one of our offices, we’ll be encouraging them to contact us beforehand.

Those who do make on-site visits will need to check in, wear a face mask before entering and adhere to social-distancing recommendations.

If one of our agents is scheduled to meet a client at their home, they will speak to them beforehand to confirm arrangements.

When practical, we will try to arrange outdoor meetings and limit those meetings to one hour.

These measures will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and we’ll communicate any adjustments as they come to hand.